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Sinusoidal Music

"A composer like Martin Graff is a treasure to behold. There is a tasteful execution in his music that is like watching a powerful movie come together..."

Martin Graff Makes an Instrumental Melodic Eclipse with “Window Rain”

A composer like Martin Graff is a treasure to behold. There is a tasteful execution in his music that is like watching a powerful movie come together. He is the reel and dialogues, the pulse of the plot. His latest single shows another number that might give you goosebumps and tears in your eyes at the same time. This one is called "Window Rain." It is visual and aural escapism all wrapped into one.

I must remind you, this is a platinum medal winner from the Van Bach International Music Awards from last year. Now, let’s proceed. This is composed and played on one instrument, correct? Listen to how Martin Graff is able to take it through such great, succinct points. He channels the dialogue with the ease of a third character. He creates conversation with pauses, moments of deliberation. How people talk in real life. Window Rain is a glimpse into the mind of a brilliant composer and how his style is so distinct while laying the foundation of melodies you might know. He consecutively shuffles between the arpeggiated exclamations of the notes to heavenly descents of crescendo. The kind of music that inspired me to start playing the piano, resurrected in incredible fashion.

Graff's pieces are examples of what deliberated, intense composition is like. Rather than make the listener feel aloof, you are part of the symphonic conversation, and that is what helps to resonate with the kind of tracks he puts together.

NV, January 24, 2025

Nishant Varma is a staff writer for Sinusoidal Music, a self-professed metalhead, and moderately well read. If the music has soul, it's whole to him.

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